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(604) 652 in British Columbia, Canada

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Average Phone Statistics for (604) 652

3 Phone Numbers for (604) 652
100.00% Wireless
3 flagged numbers
7 user comments
Top Carriers
Rogers Communications
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Most recent comments for 604-652 phone numbers
(604) 652-7899
i applied for a publishers clearing house sweepstakes. got a phone call saying that i had won 180,000 us dollars. then got a phone from Canada from royal bank of Canada saying that i could either drive there and pick up the check or send them 560 us dollars to get the money i had won they then gave me readers digest number saying that was the company that was holding the contest and the person who answered for readers digest was very rude when i told him that i didn't have that money up front cause of financial problems currently and kindly asked if he could take that money out of the check and send me the remaining balance. HE then told me no because of home land security. thinking this may be a scam i told him i would not send him the money, he then told me sorry you will not get the money and hung up promptly after me telling he will not receive the 560 us dollars.
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These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.

3 Records Found

(604) 652 Numbers

Rogers Communications
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Rogers Communications
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Rogers Communications
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