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(760) 278-3027

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Locations: Blythe, CA

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Did you receive an unwanted call from (760) 278-3027?

All Comments

4 comments as of 9/21/2013
Caller Complaints
7 COMMENTS AS OF 8/3/2012

Comment Details

Comments associated with (760) 278-3027
telemarketer icon
I've gotten several calls from these flakes. I know have them blocked. It's a shame that you can use any area code now. I could use NY and I'm in California. Who's bright idea was this?!
telemarketer icon
I am receiving calls repeatedly from this number.They are leaving messages and asking for some guy named Alvin. I have told them 14 times! they have the wrong number. They are now threatening me saying I better get an attorney otherwise they wish me luck...what does that mean?!
A woman with a foreign accent (India?) called me from 760-278-3027 and stated she was conducting an investigation. She mentioned the last four #s of an SSN and asked if it was mind. I just hung the phone
These people called me stating that they are going to put me in jail. They called at 11:p.m., 8:00 p.m. and even at my job. Don't know them or even how the got my numbers. They are a false company, trying to extort money for people. Please investigate them and have them stop.

These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.

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