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(920) 486 in Neenah, WI

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Did you receive an unwanted call from a (920) 486 phone number?

Telemarketer Complaints

Most recent comments for 920-486 phone numbers
Debt Collector
(920) 486-9751
I have received repeated calls from this organization. Today, I let the call connect and attempted to tell the associate I spoke with to stop calling me. I attempted to tell them they were calling a number connected to my smartwatch. The person was rude and hung up. I called back the number I was called from and again treated rudely and hung up on. I found the number associated with my watch (as it is never used) and contacted the office again to ask them to delete it from their system. This person told me the number I gave her was not in their records. I proceeded to try and tell her they kept calling my smartwatch only so it had to be a number associated with it. I wanted to let them know they were requesting someone of a different name (always the same name) to speak with them about his or her account. I did not get any of that out to her as she interrupted me at the start and told me they do not call watches, it's a problem on my end and to stop calling THEIR office. She immediately hung up on me. Hence here I am reporting the matter. When I get these calls it is a recording asking me to connect to an associate who handles a specific individual's account. It is a foreign name that is the same each time but I fail to catch it as it is said so quickly. Today when I agreed to talk to someone the call was connected with Matthews and Associates. The associates I spoke with today all identified as working for this office. I believe the reason I get these calls is they are for a client of this firm and this person once had the number that is now associated with my smartwatch. This is getting annoying to receive these calls like I do and then get treated as I have when attempting to get to the bottom of the matter. It is unprofessional, to say the least.
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These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.

1000 Records Found

(920) 486 Numbers

Level 3
Location: North Prairie, WI
Karen N#####
Level 3
Location: Menasha, WI
Level 3
Location: Sherwood, WI
Level 3
Location: Neenah, WI
Level 3
Location: Neenah, WI
Level 3
Location: Marquette, MI
Level 3
Location: Menasha, WI
Level 3
Location: Neenah, WI
Level 3
Location: Neenah, WI
Level 3
Location: Sobieski, WI
Level 3
Location: Menasha, WI
Level 3
Flagged Number
1 comment
Level 3
Location: Neenah, WI
Level 3
Location: Oshkosh, WI
Level 3
Location: Tularosa, NM
Level 3
Location: Audubon, MN

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Neenah
38 y/o
Median Age
The median age for Neenah was sourced from the US Census
Median Income
The median income for Neenah was sourced from the US Census
Median Home Value
The median home value for Neenah was sourced from the US Census
Total Population
The total population for Neenah was sourced from the US Census