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(912) 561 in Savannah, GA

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Average Phone Statistics for (912) 561

10,000 Phone Numbers for (912) 561
50.00% Landline
40.00% VOIP
10.00% Wireless
1 flagged number
2 user comments
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Most recent comments for 912-561 phone numbers
(912) 561-4733
Gov. prank calling people. They are stalkers, pedophiles, rapist...hiding behind a corrupt gov. My neighbor and local police are involved in spying on everyone and breaking into homes...raping and drugging women. For the prank calls they seem to recruit older people with nothing better to do, they throw them a few bucks. List of known creeps and perps JOHN & NATALEE PAULK, JASON HARWELL, MARTY MADISON, JAKE KANGAS, DAVID HOWARD, RONNIE & ELAINE HOWARD, CARL OSHIELDS, CHAD RUTHERFORD, JOHNNY RUTHERFORD, DONNIE & AUDREY BENEDICT & NICKY
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These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.

1000 Records Found

(912) 561 Numbers

Location: Hazlehurst, GA
Thomas H#####

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Savannah
33 y/o
Median Age
The median age for Savannah was sourced from the US Census
Median Income
The median income for Savannah was sourced from the US Census
Median Home Value
The median home value for Savannah was sourced from the US Census
Total Population
The total population for Savannah was sourced from the US Census