Cabin Rd, Wetumpka, AL


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15 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3 Baths 2,187 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1979
8 residents
40 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2.5 Baths 2,364 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1988
1 resident
67 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2 Baths 2,347 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1988
4 residents
144 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3 Baths 2,007 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1979
5 residents
174 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3 Baths 2,867 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1979
6 residents
235 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3.5 Baths 2,899 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1995
2 residents
300 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2.5 Baths 2,726 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1997
2 residents
307 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3 Baths 2,282 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1994
6 residents
319 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2 Baths 3,056 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 2007
2 residents
355 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
4 Baths 3,068 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1991
4 residents
397 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3 Baths 3,301 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1992
4 residents
410 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2.5 Baths 2,806 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1995
2 residents
435 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3.5 Baths 2,495 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1993
4 residents
453 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2.5 Baths 2,438 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 2007
3 residents
491 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
3.5 Baths 3,783 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1992
2 residents
496 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2.5 Baths 2,233 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1993
2 residents
498 Cabin Rd Wetumpka, AL 36093
2 Baths 2,433 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1998
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Wetumpka, AL
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $43,750.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $135,300.00.
38.9 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 38.9.

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