Kaleen Kennedy

3 people named Kaleen Kennedy found in Clifton Heights, PA, Darby, PA and 3 other cities.

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Kaleen C Kennedy, Age 47

Resides in Springfield, PA
Lived InDrexel Hill PA, Clifton Heights PA, Darby PA, Lansdowne PA
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Kelly Kaleen Weatherly, Age 84

Resides in Alvin, TX
Lived InHouston TX, Dickinson TX, Pasadena TX, Lake Jackson TX
Also known asKelley Kaleen Weatherly, Lelly K Weatherly, Kathleen Weatherly, Weatherly Kelley Kaleen, Kaleen Weatherly Lelly, Kaleen Kaleen Weatherly, Kaleen Weatherly Kelley, Kelly K Kennedy
IncludesAddress(11) Phone(7) Email(9)
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Katherine A Kennedy, Age 65

Resides in Irving, TX
Lived InLas Vegas NV, Palmdale CA, Lancaster CA, Oregon City OR
Also known asKatherine K Truman, Kathey K Truman, Abdul Khahab, Katherine Aileen Truman, Kathrine K Truman, Kathrine A Truman, Abdul S Khattab, Catherine A Kennedy, Kathy Truman, Kaleen Truman
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Business Records for Kaleen Kennedy

Known business associations for people with this name include:

  • Kaleen Kennedy
    • Title: Financial Services
    • Company: New Penn Financial, Llc
  • Kaleen Kennedy
    • Title: Account Manager Team Lead
    • Company: New Penn Financial Llc

Demographic Info for Kaleen Kennedy

Statistics based on US Census data for all 3 people with this name.

51 yrs
33% are in their 60s, while the average age is 51.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $85k.
100% of these people are married, and 0% are single.