Lebanon Rd, Barnwell, SC


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127 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 2006
1 resident
375 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
2 residents
521 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 2000
4 residents
723 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Miscellaneous (Residential)
1 resident
783 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
5 residents
808 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1993
3 residents
996 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1997
1 resident
1005 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1996
2 residents
1021 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1992
1 resident
1079 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1972
3 residents
1104 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1995
4 residents
1134 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 2001
6 residents
1137 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1993
1 resident
1168 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1188 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Miscellaneous (Residential)
2 residents
1257 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1985
7 residents
1330 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Miscellaneous (Residential)
3 residents
1467 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1992
4 residents
1569 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 2008
1 resident
1571 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1597 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1974
1 resident
1673 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1966
4 residents
1746 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
1,278 sqft Single Family Residence
3 residents
1814 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Miscellaneous (Residential)
1 resident
1864 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Mobile Home Built in 1983
2 residents
1908 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Timberland, Forest, Trees
4 residents
1974 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2042 Lebanon Rd Barnwell, SC 29812
Single Family Residence
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Barnwell, SC
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $25,625.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $107,200.00.
34.5 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 34.5.

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