We want you to have access to the knowledge and the tools you need to understand, protect, and control your personal data.
Spokeo aggregates only publicly available information from third party sources. Although publicly available data is exempt from state privacy laws, for over a decade we’ve been an industry leader in respecting consumers’ privacy preferences and enabling them to opt out
Opting out your listing from Spokeo will not remove the data from its original source. Your information may still appear on other websites. Furthermore, you may have multiple listings on Spokeo. Each one is identified by a unique URL and must be opted out individually.
Since we continually receive new and updated records from public sources, your information may reappear on Spokeo in the future without notice. Please regularly check Spokeo for additional listings that may appear.
To opt out a listing from Spokeo, please enter the URL of the profile. Depending on the nature of your request and the amount of data, your opt-out request should be processed in 24-48 hours.