15th Ave, Sterling, IL


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property search
104 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
107 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Residential - Vacant Land
1 resident
111 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
202 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
204 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
206 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
301 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
304 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
306 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
307 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
10 residents
404 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
405 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
406 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
407 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
408 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
10 residents
409 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
410 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
411 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Residential - Vacant Land
2 residents
501 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
503 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
505 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
507 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
601 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
603 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
605 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
606 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
608 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
8 residents
609 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
610 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
611 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
613 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
615 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
8 residents
1301 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1302 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1303 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1304 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1305 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1306 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1307 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1308 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1309 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1310 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1311 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1312 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1313 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1315 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1316 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
2001 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2003 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2004 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
2005 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2006 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2007 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2008 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
2009 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2010 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
2011 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
2012 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
2101 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2102 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2103 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2104 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2105 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2106 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2107 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2108 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2109 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2110 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2111 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2112 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2201 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
2202 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2203 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
2204 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2205 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2206 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2207 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2208 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
2209 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
2210 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
2211 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
2212 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
2213 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
5 residents
3301 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
2 Beds / 1.5 Baths Single Family Residence
3 residents
3302 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
8 residents
3304 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
3305 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
3306 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
3308 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3309 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
3402 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
3501 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
7 residents
3504 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
1 resident
3505 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
4 residents
3601 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3602 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3603 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
6 residents
3604 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3801 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
3 Beds / 2 Baths Single Family Residence
6 residents
3900 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
3 residents
3901 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3902 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
4 Beds / 2.5 Baths Single Family Residence
1 resident
3903 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
3 Beds / 2.5 Baths Single Family Residence
3 residents
3904 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents
3905 15th Ave Sterling, IL 61081
Single Family Residence
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Sterling, IL
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $39,885.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $83,900.00.
37.6 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 37.6.

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