Reverse Address Lookup

A free reverse address lookup can help you find out who lives at any address, get contact information and learn more about a property.

Spokeo searches thousands of public property records and databases to deliver quick address search reports that can help you find or learn more about your next home.

Identify homeowners & residents
Find contact information
View key property details
dynamic technology


How Does an Address Search Work?

Address search works by scouring public records on county, state and national levels to find information about a specific address. Using property records and other public databases, advanced algorithms source the most up-to-date information about owners, residents, and properties and compile them into a single report.

Our search engine pulls a wealth of data from a wide range of sources that include:

Public Records
Through our relationships with public data providers nationwide, Spokeo aggregates billions of records to give you the most up-to-date and reliable address reports
Property Records
Social Media
Crime & Local Information
Tax Records
Online Databases


What Can an Address Search Provide?

An address search can provide you with a wealth of information about a property and the people who live there. If you're in search of a new home, one quick search can provide you with the name and contact information for the current resident and property owner. A reverse address lookup can also give you access to property information like home value and property features, safety statistics, neighborhood crime rate and sex offender information.


Who Lives There

Current Residents
Past Residents
Owner History

Owner's Details

Name & Age
Location History
Property Ownership

Contact Info

Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Social Profiles

Property Details

Property Statistics
Home Value

Neighborhood Info

Sex Offenders
Crime Rate
Safety Statistics

And Even More*

Criminal Records
Marital Records
Background+ Report
*Upgrade Required
advancing tech


How to Use Reverse Address Lookup

Spokeo makes looking up an address easy — all it takes is a one click to gain actionable insight on a home and the people associated with it. To do an address search:
  1. Go to the Spokeo homepage
  2. Type in a street address
  3. Click on "Search Now"
With Spokeo's reverse address lookup you can:
Find out who lives there icon
Find out who lives there
Reverse address lookup not only allows you to discover the current property owners and residents of an address, but also provides access to valuable information about their background, such as their employment history, criminal records*, and social media profiles, giving you a comprehensive understanding of who they are. *Additional fees apply
Research potential homes icon
Research potential homes
Connect with residents/owners icon
Connect with residents/owners
Learn about neighbors icon
Learn about neighbors
Assess neighborhood safety icon
Assess neighborhood safety
Verify property ownership icon
Verify property ownership

Reverse Address Search Made Easy

Not sure how to get started with reverse address search? Look no further! Check out this quick step-by-step tutorial to help you find property owners, residents, contact info and more.

How a Reverse Address Lookup Can Help

Still not convinced that our reverse address lookup tool is right for you? Check out what our satisfied customers have to say. From first-time homebuyers to seasoned real estate professionals, our service has helped people just like you find the information they need to make informed decisions. Don't take our word for it — try reverse address lookup for yourself today!

Find Contact Info

"I was able to meet up with a guy that I'd exchanged Christmas cards with every year. I hadn't seen him in over 40 years! I searched his address on the site and found his phone number. I called, and we spoke. I even went out to Georgia to visit him."

Identify Homeowners

"I was able to get the name and cell number of my next door neighbors that I haven't met yet. We have a lake home next to them, and they had a gas leak. They were out of town but they were able to find a neighbor who had a copy of the keys to turn off the gas."

Research Properties

"My address search worked out very well. I was trying to see if I wanted to buy a property and I was able to see how much the property was worth."

How a Reverse Address Search Can Help You

Looking to expand your knowledge on reverse address lookup? Look no further than The Compass, our comprehensive blog filled with articles that can help you make the most out of your address search.

Discover Your Neighbors with Address Search

How can you learn more about your neighbors? Use a reverse address search to find information like contact info, real estate ownership, social media accounts, and more.

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