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(203) 358-4887

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Locations: Stamford, CT

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Report includes available information on:

Full Name: See Available Results
Current Address: See Available Results
Address History: See Available Results
Family Members: See Available Results
Current Location: See Available Results
Phone Type: Landline
Phone Carrier: Frontier
spam-likelyDid you receive an unwanted call from (203) 358-4887?

All Comments

Caller Complaints
6 COMMENTS AS OF 6/26/2015
12 comments as of 7/9/2015
null comments as of 5/20/2019

Comment Details

Comments associated with (203) 358-4887
Telemarketer icon
I am on a do not call list, request you loose this number
Telemarketer icon
The person's name associated with this number on my phone is Anna Raciborska
Telemarketer icon
I looked on the internet and reversed this number to see who it came from and it was shown to be a telemarketer. I have opted out of these kinds of calls, but I still get a lot of them; I don't know what else I can do except blacklist them on my phone one by one.
Telemarketer icon
The make phone calls all day and when you answer the phone the no talk and then close the line . Really bad bad bad
Telemarketer icon
They call us multiple times per day
Telemarketer icon
I received three hang up calls from this agency. Twice no one was on the line when I answered and once I called back and it said the number is not in service> I think it is a telemarketer and I do not want to get anymore calls!
Telemarketer icon
Keeps calling and hanging up
Prank call icon
Prank Call
calling several times a day, then hanging up or waiting for answering machine to go on and hanging up after. Caler ID sais 'Stamford CT' but when I dial back I get announcement that this number is not in service
Telemarketer icon
Please enter comments here Will not talk to you as to what they want as well as who they are.

These comments come from users of Spokeo and from third party websites. The information may be out of date. Spokeo has not validated or verified any of these comments.

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