Ackerman Ave, Syracuse, NY


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608 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,840 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
6 residents
614 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,728 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1920
6 residents
700 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,880 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1922
16 residents
701 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
5 Beds / 4 Baths 3,454 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1910
24 residents
709 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 3 Baths 2,870 sqft Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1910
14 residents
712 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 2,298 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1915
4 residents
722 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 2,460 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
6 residents
723 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,808 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
1 resident
728 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 2,054 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1910
10 residents
729 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,789 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1912
10 residents
736 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
5 Beds / 2 Baths 2,476 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
3 residents
808 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
9 Beds / 3 Baths 3,310 sqft Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
8 residents
811 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,516 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
10 residents
819 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,820 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1930
5 residents
822 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 2 Baths 2,708 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
4 residents
829 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2,200 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
11 residents
831 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,918 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1907
2 residents
832 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 3 Baths 2,869 sqft Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1915
9 residents
836 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,984 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1920
8 residents
837 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,626 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1900
1 resident
838 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,385 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1915
3 residents
842 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 3 Baths 2,419 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1915
10 residents
845 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,194 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1910
7 residents
848 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,946 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1915
12 residents
852 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2,401 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1900
11 residents
854 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,716 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1915
7 residents
855 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,599 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
11 residents
860 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,922 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1915
10 residents
862 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,115 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1889
6 residents
866 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,004 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1915
4 residents
871 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 3 Baths 3,270 sqft Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1930
17 residents
873 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3,200 sqft Apartments (Generic) Built in 1920
13 residents
874 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,560 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
8 residents
909 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,356 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
5 residents
910 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,548 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1920
6 residents
913 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2,144 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
8 residents
914 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,840 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
6 residents
920 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,668 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1920
17 residents
929 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,440 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
13 residents
932 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,951 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
8 residents
938 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2,166 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
15 residents
943 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,755 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
7 residents
946 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,976 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1935
7 residents
948 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,344 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1940
4 residents
952 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,627 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1915
2 residents
960 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,568 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
8 residents
961 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 2 Baths 2,640 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
6 residents
963 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,544 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
11 residents
967 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,512 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
4 residents
968 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
7 Beds / 2 Baths 2,536 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
14 residents
1010 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
Residential - Vacant Land
10 residents
1014 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,546 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1940
11 residents
1015 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2 Beds / 1 Bath 2,004 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1919
3 residents
1026 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,405 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1917
5 residents
1033 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
1,869 sqft Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) Built in 1930
3 residents
1040 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,961 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1930
4 residents
1048 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,248 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1920
4 residents
1049 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,311 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1930
4 residents
1050 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
6 Beds / 2 Baths 2,130 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1924
1 resident
1052 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,188 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1924
2 residents
1053 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,515 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1930
2 residents
1054 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
4 Beds / 1 Bath 1,823 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1924
4 residents
1061 Ackerman Ave Syracuse, NY 13210
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,297 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1885
6 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Syracuse, NY
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $33,695.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $92,900.00.
32.2 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 32.2.

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