Brush St, Coleman, TX


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105 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,364 sqft Single Family Residence
2 residents
106 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,848 sqft Single Family Residence
9 residents
110 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,124 sqft Single Family Residence
7 residents
111 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,824 sqft Single Family Residence
7 residents
116 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,018 sqft Single Family Residence
1 resident
117 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,848 sqft Single Family Residence
6 residents
216 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,140 sqft Single Family Residence
4 residents
217 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
768 sqft Single Family Residence
1 resident
401 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,650 sqft Single Family Residence
5 residents
405 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,284 sqft Single Family Residence
3 residents
410 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,890 sqft Mobile Home Built in 1984
1 resident
417 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
818 sqft Single Family Residence
8 residents
515 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
6,910 sqft Industrial (General)
1 resident
1100 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,710 sqft Single Family Residence
2 residents
1101 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,065 sqft Single Family Residence
9 residents
1116 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
3,955 sqft Single Family Residence
9 residents
1401 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
1,236 sqft Single Family Residence
1 resident
1512 Brush St Coleman, TX 76834
2,465 sqft Mobile Home Built in 2012
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Coleman, TX
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $41,568.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $54,500.00.
42.1 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 42.1.

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