College Way, Auburn, CA


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70 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Baths 1,326 sqft Medical Building Built in 1968
2 residents
80 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
6 Beds / 4 Baths 3,370 sqft Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1947
14 residents
100 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,284 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1955
4 residents
108 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,774 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1957
6 residents
112 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,492 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1960
7 residents
118 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,324 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1926
3 residents
124 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,548 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1931
1 resident
126 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
1 Bed / 1 Bath 1,118 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1934
8 residents
130 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,110 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1931
4 residents
136 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
5 Beds / 2 Baths 3,137 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1925
9 residents
142 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,496 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1931
3 residents
146 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,556 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1935
0 residents
150 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,008 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1935
3 residents
151 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 2 Baths 2,064 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1920
4 residents
155 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
5 Beds / 2 Baths 2,496 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1883
10 residents
156 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 2,812 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1890
2 residents
161 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
7 Beds / 4 Baths 3,937 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1884
7 residents
162 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,825 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1935
7 residents
167 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 2 Baths 4,706 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1911
9 residents
168 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 1 Bath 2,144 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1919
2 residents
173 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 2 Baths 3,843 sqft Apartment House (5+ Units) Built in 1928
10 residents
174 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,630 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1931
4 residents
181 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
6 Beds / 2 Baths 1,768 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1931
5 residents
182 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 1 Bath 2,055 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1923
8 residents
183 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
5 Beds / 3 Baths 1,992 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1937
17 residents
188 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
8 Beds / 6 Baths 5,360 sqft Hospital - Private Built in 1963
16 residents
189 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 2,232 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1928
10 residents
192 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
5 Beds / 3 Baths 2,326 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1928
9 residents
193 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 1 Bath 1,012 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1936
6 residents
196 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
2 Beds / 2 Baths 1,165 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1935
7 residents
197 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,148 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1939
2 residents
199 College Way Auburn, CA 95603
4 Beds / 3 Baths 2,369 sqft Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) Built in 1937
5 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Auburn, CA
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $54,227.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $371,000.00.
49.8 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 49.8.

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