E 12th St, Streator, IL

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105 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,380 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1938
5 residents
107 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,237 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1935
7 residents
110 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
5 residents
204 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,026 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1914
3 residents
205 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 1,466 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1948
4 residents
206 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
848 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1920
1 resident
208 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
884 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1870
5 residents
209 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
964 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1918
5 residents
210 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
810 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
4 residents
211 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,034 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1908
7 residents
212 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
3 residents
214 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,728 sqft Commercial (General)
9 residents
216 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,088 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1924
3 residents
218 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
6 residents
222 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
1 resident
305 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,203 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1948
3 residents
309 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
5 residents
401 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
6 residents
402 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
7 residents
408 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
9 residents
409 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 840 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1942
3 residents
410 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
1 resident
411 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2,763 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1949
6 residents
412 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
6 residents
413 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 816 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1938
6 residents
414 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
5 residents
415 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 864 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1940
2 residents
416 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
814 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
4 residents
417 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 986 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
5 residents
419 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 960 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
3 residents
508 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
1 resident
510 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2,406 sqft Commercial (General) Built in 1896
1 resident
511 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
744 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1973
4 residents
600 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
7 residents
604 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,233 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
6 residents
606 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
914 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1880
3 residents
608 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
875 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1864
7 residents
704 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
820 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
13 residents
710 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
4 residents
712 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Residential - Vacant Land
5 residents
800 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
3 residents
801 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 1,693 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
2 residents
802 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
5 residents
804 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
4 residents
805 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 924 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
1 resident
806 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,144 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1920
8 residents
807 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 960 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
2 residents
809 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 864 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
6 residents
810 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,130 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
3 residents
811 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,682 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
5 residents
812 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
935 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1940
3 residents
814 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,332 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
3 residents
901 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
5 Beds 2,404 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1915
5 residents
906 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1919
5 residents
909 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 648 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
4 residents
910 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1900
2 residents
911 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 648 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
8 residents
912 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
5 residents
913 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 648 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
3 residents
914 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
768 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1954
6 residents
917 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 630 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
9 residents
918 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1950
4 residents
919 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 630 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
2 residents
920 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Residential - Vacant Land
4 residents
923 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 630 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1947
8 residents
1016 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
4 residents
1020 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
900 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1920
1 resident
1024 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1910
4 residents
1108 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1909
12 residents
1112 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3,120 sqft Commercial (General)
3 residents
1209 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Industrial (General)
2 residents
1212 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
5,000 sqft Commercial (General)
1 resident
1215 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Industrial (General)
5 residents
1219 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 875 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
5 residents
1301 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,009 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
1 resident
1303 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,173 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
4 residents
1305 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
3 residents
1307 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential
4 residents
1309 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,147 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
5 residents
1311 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
2 residents
1313 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,009 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
3 residents
1317 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1956
2 residents
1321 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,085 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1953
4 residents
1323 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,321 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1957
1 resident
1325 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,025 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
5 residents
1326 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
999 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1960
4 residents
1327 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
2 Beds 925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
5 residents
1329 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
8 residents
1331 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 1,375 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1955
2 residents
1333 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 925 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1956
4 residents
1335 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1 Bed 1,102 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1962
2 residents
1510 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
776 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1913
3 residents
1512 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Single Family Residential Built in 1980
3 residents
1514 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
Residential - Vacant Land
5 residents
1516 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,300 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1950
4 residents
1518 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
1,291 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1900
5 residents
1573 E 12th St Streator, IL 61364
3 Beds 2,188 sqft Single Family Residential Built in 1997
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Streator, IL
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $40,688.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $83,200.00.
39.1 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 39.1.

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