E Mcgregor St, Pageland, SC

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109 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
4 residents
110 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
0 residents
111 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
1 resident
114 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
2,500 sqft Value: $2.89K
1 resident
117 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
1 resident
119 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
1 resident
121 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
2 residents
202 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
14 residents
205 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
4 residents
208 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
2 residents
209 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
2 residents
302 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
1 resident
305 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
2 Baths 2,825 sqft Value: $141K
5 residents
306 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
7 residents
310 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
2 Baths 2,964 sqft Single Family House Value: $122K
6 residents
311 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
14 residents
402 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House Value: $130
7 residents
408 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
3 residents
410 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
5 residents
411 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
1 Bath 1,800 sqft Multi-Family Residence / Apartment Value: $64K
4 residents
412 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
13 residents
413 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
10 residents
501 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
10 residents
503 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
26 residents
505 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
8 residents
506 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
7 residents
508 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
12 residents
509 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
2 residents
512 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment Value: $60
6 residents
605 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
4 residents
713 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
4 residents
715 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
9 residents
720 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Mobile / Manufactured Home Value: $360
3 residents
913 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Multi-Family Residence / Apartment
2 residents
917 E Mcgregor St Pageland, SC 29728
Single Family House
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Pageland, SC
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $34,285.71.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $47,205.71.
The ethnicity in this area is 90% Caucasian.
63 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 63.

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