Euclid Ave, Scranton, PA


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915 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
6 residents
947 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1001 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1007 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1047 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Multi-Family Dwellings (Generic, Any Combination)
4 residents
1051 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
7 residents
1053 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1055 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1057 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1059 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1213 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1215 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1303 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1305 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1307 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
9 residents
1308 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1400 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1403 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1405 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1410 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1411 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1413 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1500 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1501 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1502 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1503 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1504 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1505 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1506 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1507 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1509 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1511 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1513 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1517 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Governmental / Public Use (General)
5 residents
1521 Euclid Ave Scranton, PA 18504
Single Family Residence
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Scranton, PA
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $38,807.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $109,500.00.
36.4 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 36.4.

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