Janet Redfearn

6 people named Janet Redfearn found in Illinois, North Carolina and 7 other states.

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Janet V Redfearn, Age 79 (Possibly Deceased)

Resided in Silverdale, WA
Lived In Norwich CT, Port Orchard WA, Seattle WA, Elizabeth City NC Related To Kathryn Redfearn, Mary Redfearn, Michael Redfearn, Kathryn Byrd, James Redfearn Also known as Janet A Redfearn Includes Address(8) Phone(5) Email(4)

Janet L Redfearn, Age 68

Resides in Mc Neil, AR
Related To George Redfearn, Randi Alexander, Dorothy Redfearn, Shannon Cornelius, Odis Redfern Also known as Jan R O'Glesby, Al Redfearn Includes Address(4) Phone(4) Email(3)

Janet K Lakeman, Age 66

Resides in Wake Forest, NC
Lived In Cary NC, Lakeville MN, Burnsville MN, Saint Paul MN Related To Neal Geerdes Also known as Janet K Redfearn, Janet Lakemangeerdes Includes Address(10) Phone(3) Email(1)

Jan S Redfearn, Age 75

Resides in Kinsale, VA
Lived In Montross VA, Lake Forest IL Related To Sarah Gladwell, Ruth Redfearn, Catherine Redfearn, Rob Redfearn Also known as Janet Redfearn Includes Address(5) Phone(3) Email(1)

Janett Redfearn, Age 61

Resides in Syracuse, NY
Lived In Liverpool NY Related To Henry Johnson, Florence Johnson, Janet Johnson, Brian Johnson, Ellamae Johnson Also known as Janet C Johnson, Janette Johnson Includes Address(6) Phone(7) Email(1)

Demographic Info for Janet Redfearn

Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.

63 yrs
67% are in their 60s, while the average age is 63.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $63k.
60% of these people are married, and 40% are single.