Lafayette Ln, Bryan, TX


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3272 Lafayette Ln Bryan, TX 77807
2,026 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1981
5 residents
3433 Lafayette Ln Bryan, TX 77807
Agricultural (Unimproved) - Vacant Land
4 residents
3434 Lafayette Ln Bryan, TX 77807
3 Beds / 3 Baths 1,518 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 2017
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Bryan, TX
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $38,539.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $137,000.00.
31.1 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 31.1.

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