680 Rd, Grove, OK


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24800 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
Residential - Vacant Land
2 residents
24850 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
1 Bath 1,456 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1995
1 resident
24958 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 2,553 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 2010
1 resident
25010 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,456 sqft Mobile Home Built in 2007
3 residents
25250 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 2,412 sqft Rural Residence Built in 1997
2 residents
25480 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Beds / 1 Bath 784 sqft Single Family Residence
3 residents
25500 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,391 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1995
3 residents
25586 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 2,435 sqft Mobile Home Built in 2017
1 resident
25590 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 2,128 sqft Rural Residence Built in 1997
5 residents
25601 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
1 Bath 1,008 sqft Rural Residence Built in 1978
2 residents
26601 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
3 Baths 3,948 sqft Rural Residence Built in 1994
5 residents
28400 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2,505 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1990
3 residents
28401 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
1 Bath 1,328 sqft Rural Residence
1 resident
28901 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
3 Baths 3,007 sqft Rural Residence Built in 2003
3 residents
29220 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,692 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 2003
3 residents
29450 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,630 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1991
4 residents
29601 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
1,537 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1956
4 residents
29750 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
Single Family Residence Built in 2000
1 resident
30000 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
1 Bath 1,352 sqft Agricultural/Rural (General) Built in 1998
4 residents
31350 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2,448 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1986
4 residents
31800 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,540 sqft Rural Residence Built in 1976
3 residents
31902 S 680 Rd Grove, OK 74344
2 Baths 1,724 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1984
2 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Grove, OK
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $39,321.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $150,700.00.
54.5 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 54.5.

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