Speckle Way, Sacramento, CA


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6710 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,266 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
8 residents
6711 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6714 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6715 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6718 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents
6719 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
7 residents
6722 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6800 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
9 residents
6804 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,256 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
11 residents
6808 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents
6809 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,319 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
7 residents
6812 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6813 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
7 residents
6816 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6819 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6820 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
8 residents
6823 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6824 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,432 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1980
5 residents
6828 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,511 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
10 residents
6829 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6832 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6833 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6836 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6837 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
3 residents
6840 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6841 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
10 residents
6844 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
8 residents
6847 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6848 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6852 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6853 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,647 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6856 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
6 residents
6857 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents
6860 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,417 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6861 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6864 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
4 residents
6865 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
3 residents
6868 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
6 residents
6869 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents
6872 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents
6873 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
6 residents
6876 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6877 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
3 residents
6880 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
2 Beds / 1 Bath 816 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
8 residents
6881 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
7 residents
6884 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,400 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6885 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,435 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
9 residents
6901 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
6 residents
6904 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,325 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
3 residents
6905 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 1,249 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6908 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 1,219 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6909 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
1 resident
6912 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
3 residents
6913 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
11 residents
6916 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 1 Bath 960 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
9 residents
6917 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
3 Beds / 2 Baths 2,148 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
2 residents
6920 Speckle Way Sacramento, CA 95842
4 Beds / 2 Baths 1,127 sqft Single Family Residence Built in 1977
5 residents

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Sacramento, CA
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $55,187.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $306,900.00.
34.7 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 34.7.

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