Winter Ave, Louisville, KY


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1312 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1314 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1315 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Commercial Miscellaneous
5 residents
1318 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
8 residents
1319 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1320 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1322 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1323 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1324 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1325 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
2 residents
1326 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1327 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1328 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1329 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1330 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1331 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1332 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1333 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1335 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1400 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1401 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1403 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
9 residents
1404 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1406 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1407 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1409 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1410 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1411 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1412 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
8 residents
1413 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1414 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1415 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
6 residents
1416 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1417 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1418 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1419 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1421 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1422 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1423 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
4 residents
1424 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1425 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Commercial Miscellaneous
3 residents
1426 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1427 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
3 residents
1428 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1429 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1430 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1431 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
4 residents
1432 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
1 resident
1433 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1434 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
3 residents
1435 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
7 residents
1437 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1502 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Commercial Miscellaneous
2 residents
1504 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Commercial Miscellaneous
9 residents
1506 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1508 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
5 residents
1512 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1514 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
3 residents
1516 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Commercial Miscellaneous
7 residents
1518 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
4 residents
1520 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
2 residents
1522 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
1 resident
1523 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination)
6 residents
1527 Winter Ave Louisville, KY 40204
Single Family Residence
1 resident

Neighborhood Statistics

Average neighborhood statistics for Louisville, KY
Household Income Avg.
Our wealth data indicates the average income in this area is $48,996.00.
Property Value Avg.
Our property data indicates the average home value is $150,900.00.
37.7 Years
Average Age
The average resident's age is 37.7.

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