5 Favorite Bad First Date Stories on TikTok

Anyone who’s gone out with at least a few people has undoubtedly had a bad first date.  But few first dates compare to these favorite bad first date stories on TikTok.  Here are 5 bad date TikTok stories that’ll make your worst day seem like no big deal (unless you’re Elyse Myers).

Elyse Myers: 1 Guy, 100 Tacos, 1 Standing Dad

Elyse Myers’ hilarious and somewhat scary first date story is perhaps the most viral on TikTok.  Few bad first dates compare with hers.

Having met a guy on a dating app, Elyse Myers drives 45 minutes to his house.  Everything seems normal so far — but nothing from this point on could be considered normal. 

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Elyse becomes an impromptu chauffeur to the restaurant (because her date doesn’t have his keys).  Their destination?  Taco Bell, where Mr. Forgetful orders 100 hard shell tacos — yes, you read that right, a full one hundred tacos — and leaves Elyse footing the bill because, you guessed it … he forgot his wallet.

Back at the Temporary Taco Temple (his house), the guy dramatically spills out the tacos on a table and bellows, “Let’s feast!”  Cue the cringe-worthy silence, punctuated by crunching tacos.  Enter his dad, munching a taco while standing between them.  When Dad invites Elyse to his study, she thanks them for the experience.  Elyse escaped with more Taco Bell tacos than she’d care to ever eat — and her life, too. 

Kennedy: Short, Sleepy and Call a Cab

The date: Ride together to the pizzeria, order pizza to share, sit at the booth, and enjoy a good meal.  All things are going well for Kennedy, but that’s about to stop.  Like, the date is literally about to stop.

Her date (Mr. Driver) says he ate too much after finishing his slices, and his stomach isn’t feeling so great.  Rather than excusing himself to the men’s room, though, he just lies down for a nap right there in the booth.  Kennedy signs off TikTok while wondering what to do, and there he is,  just snoozing away.  He was her ride home.  So what is she to do?

Kennedy, call a cab or an Uber.  Mr. Driver, dude, props for being able to sleep in a fully lit pizza place.  Take a nap first next time, though.

Raych Fayce: Stood Up (Kind Of?)

Raych Fayce’s bad first date story technically qualifies, since her date technically was a date.  It may have been the shortest first date in history — or at least TikTok history.

Raych showed up to her date at a wing bar, late — “really f*ing late,” in the words of her counterpart.  Admittedly, she was quite late because, in her words: 1) she didn’t want to go in the first place; 2) had to do her makeup; and 3) has ADHD.  But as it “really f*ing late?”  Who even says “f*ing” before their date even arrives?  Someone who knows what they want and is quick to judge.

As she walks in, her date tells her that the lot where each of them parked had a tow sign posted.  They should probably move their cars and go out to relocate.  She finds a spot on the street, and he a spot in the garage.  That’s when the date is … put into park.

His next move is to text that he’s not feeling it.  They’d seen each other for “45 seconds” — less time than she needed to put on foundation — and he already knew things wouldn’t progress from his end.  That’s definitely someone who knows what they want.

Was this a veteran move so he could get out early on?  Was it the worst first date ever?  Did he even pay  for that garage spot?  Well, she may not have paid for his dinner, but it did cost her some coin for parking.  In the end, she may have dodged a proverbial bullet.

TouchMyBurrito: Stuck With the Bill

TouchMyBurrito has a story that challenged the TikTok comment section with the appropriateness of social norms.  Cheapskate scoundrel, or gentleman who makes wise investments? 

The primary topic of conversation throughout dinner was her ex, and Mr. Burrito decided he wasn’t going to be a rebound relationship.  He said they should split the bill, to which she replied she didn’t have any money on her.  He was stuck paying the full (expensive) bill of $160 CAD.  When she asked about post-dinner drinks, he said sure, so long as they got her wallet first. 

He knew there wouldn’t be a second date, so why honor the gentleman’s role for the first?  Maybe he should’ve suggested a dive bar where drinks were cheap instead — or something like Taco Bell, where dinner is cheap in the first place.

Jake Banfield: Not 100 Tacos, but $100 in Margaritas

Jake Banfield’s story seems to have the class (and safeness) that Elyse’s lacked.  A Tex-Mex restaurant where chemistry is in the air, and margaritas are $10.  Little did Jake realize he was on a date with a beautiful fish.

They each started off with a margarita, and then a second one.  He stopped at two.  She proceeded onto a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth, only stopping when she couldn’t count on her fingers anymore. 

One, two, skip a few, ninety-nine, one hundred dollars.  Jake was a gentleman, and paid for the $100 of margaritas, plus his drinks and their food.  He’s fully confident that she told the truth when they parted, and she said she had “the best time.”  We bet she did!

Know Who You’re Dating

Before you go on a first date, make sure you know who it’ll be sitting across from you at the table.  Spokeo can help you verify the identity of potential dates, so you don’t end up with a bad date TikTok story.  We can’t guarantee they won’t order 100 tacos, fall asleep or drink 10 margaritas, but Spokeo sure can help you learn a lot more about your date before you meet them — or before you even agree to.


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