Guest Post: Use Spokeo to Connect with Your Child’s School Friends and Their Parents

Spokeo is excited to feature a new series of guest posts from bloggers each focusing on a different way to use Spokeo. Bonnie Way is a mom with three daughters who enjoy playdates with several school friends. She and her husband currently live in beautiful Victoria, BC, where Bonnie blogs about motherhood, Vancouver Island, and books—when she’s not dashing off to a playdate. Follow her family’s adventures at


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“Mom, I wanna have a playdate with Jane!”

I look down at my five-year-old and the little girl next to her, trying to remember if I’ve met her mom. This is a frequent request on the playground after school, as my daughter is excited about the new friends she’s made in this new school year.

Connecting with those friends’ mom to plan playdates proves a bit harder. Moms arrive at different times to pick up their kids and some of my daughters’ friends go to after-school care. Trying to send notes home with the friend in question usually results in more lost notes than playdates.

“What’s your mom’s name?” I ask my daughter’s newest friend. I have a plan.

I just have to type the name into Spokeo and narrow the search to our city to find the other school mom. Then I can make a quick phone call to set up the playdate that my daughter wants—or coffee with the mom first to get to know her before our daughters get together.

Spokeo also gives me their address, which is useful to have before planning the playdate—if they live a ways out of town, for example, I can suggest meeting at a park with the friend after school instead of driving to their house.

Besides being able to contact the other mom, I may also be able to find the other mom’s email address on Spokeo. Then Spokeo can help me find social networks and/or other public accounts they might own. This gives me profile pictures, so I can either be sure I’ve found the right person (if I’ve seen the other mom before) or see what she looks like before trying to find her at a park or coffee shop.

Spokeo can also be accessed on the run from a mobile device. This is perfect for those times when I’ve met the other school mom but can’t remember her phone number and don’t have a telephone book to look it up. Now, there’s an online phone book at my fingertips to connect me with my child’s friends’ parents instantly.

Disclaimer – To make Spokeo’s legal folks happy, I must disclose that Spokeo has provided me compensation for creating this post.

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