Sending a Gift: How Spokeo Helped a User Find a Friend’s Address

Have you ever wanted to send something to a friend or loved one, but didn’t have their address? Judith, a Spokeo user, found herself in that same predicament a month ago and wasn’t sure how she would be able to pull off mailing her friend a surprise gift. However, after researching how to find someone online, she found Spokeo and got the information she needed.

A Thoughtful Gift

Judith and Ann, have known each other for over a decade and met through their mutual interest in the arts. They met about 14 years ago when Judith was modeling for an art class that Ann was a student in. Judith noticed that Ann was always so nice, and they always had good conversations when they chatted. Judith was always happy to see Ann in the crowd when she modeled for local art classes.

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While shopping one day, Judith came across a book about spirituality that reminded her of Ann. She bought the book with the intention of surprising Ann with it and decided to mail it to her. When Judith got home, however, she realized that she didn’t have an up-to-date address for Ann. Judith didn’t want to call Ann to ask her for her address because if she did that, she’d have to explain why she needed it – and that would defeat the purpose of surprising her with the book.


Judith missed the “old school days” when it was easy to find someone’s address in the phone book, but since that wasn’t an option anymore, she wasn’t sure how to find Ann’s address. She decided to turn to the internet to help her solve her problem. She went to Google and researched how to find someone online, and a few results popped up. The first site that she used was complicated and she wasn’t able to find anything, so Judith moved on to the next Google result, which was Spokeo. She loved how easy and simple the site was to navigate, and after performing a reverse phone lookup with Ann’s phone number, she quickly found Ann’s address.

After successfully getting the information she needed to surprise Ann, Judith mailed the book the next day. Ann was so happy when she received Judith’s package, and she loved the book. Sounds like Judith pulled off the perfect surprise!

Need someone’s address? Let us help you find it! Start your search by heading to Spokeo and typing in a name or phone number.

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