Spokeo Helps A Good Samaritan Save Family Memories


We’re always proud to be a tool that helps old friends or family reconnect, but it’s very fun to hear stories about how Spokeo helps strangers connect in very special ways.

Pat received a package from a shipping company that had evidently been broken in transit. He received hi items in a new box, but along with his goods, he found some photos that didn’t belong to him.

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“It was a ziplock bag with 20-25 photos labeled on the front ‘#6 Liz photos,’” he shared.

The package contained a postcard with both “to” and “from” names and addresses on it, and he’d hoped he could use this clue to find the intended recipient of these special and seemingly sentimental keepsakes.

He searched both names and addresses online and came across a phone number. He called and left a message about the photos, but the person who called back explained the photos weren’t theirs. He went back to the first of the two names and as he followed the data path, he landed on a Spokeo link.

[quote cite=’Good Samaritan, Pat’]I feel proud to have been able to perform a ‘random act of kindness’ in this situation, and hope someone would do the same for me[/quote]
“I signed up and received the information. It didn’t pan out initially, but also listed relatives, one of which was named Elizabeth (Liz). I did a search for Liz and the address checked out. It also provided me a phone number. I called Liz and left a detailed message. She called me back shortly and said her parents had sent the photos off to be digitized. She thanked me for going the extra mile and provided me a current address to send her the photos.”

Thanks to Spokeo and the kindness of a stranger, irreplaceable memories will be treasured by a family forever.

“I feel proud to have been able to perform a ‘random act of kindness’ in this situation, and hope someone would do the same for me if I was similarly situated,” Pat said kindly. “Thanks again Spokeo……you’re AWESOME !!!”

We think you’re AWESOME Pat and are so glad to have helped!

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