Meet the Spokeo Interns: Peter (1 of 4)

We have the best interns there are, and we’re excited to introduce our 2015 summer class to you. Take a look at some of their best moments and be sure to pay attention to their words of advice. If you’re interested in applying for future internships, be sure to visit our careers page for updates!
Name: Peter
Nickname: Paul (Sunny in IT, masterminded this one)
School: Stanford University
Major: Computer Science w/ minor in Economics
Expected Graduation: Summer of 2017
Avengers or Fantastic Four? Avengers
Harry Potter or Hunger Games? Hunger Games
Ruby or HTML? HTML
Career Aspirations: I plan on continuing to work in software and web development upon graduating. Further down the road I see either myself pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration and starting a company or joining the venture capital world as a partner at a firm.
What did you work on this summer? This summer I worked on several Spokeo SEO sites, one of which includes Spokeo Afilliates. My focus was on the front end web development and design.
Best Spokeo Moment? Our day trip to Disneyland. The recruiting and culture teams at Spokeo dedicated their whole day to taking us out to Disneyland. It was my first time visiting the park so I was really excited to try everything. We stayed the whole day from opening to closing and visited both parks. Special thanks to Belinda, Rene, and Liz for keeping up with the interns!
Do you have any advice for next year’s interns? Make an active effort to get to know everyone in the office. The people here are really awesome and you should get to know them at some point in your internship. Don’t be afraid to walk up to someone and introduce yourself because everyone is looking forward to meeting you. I suggest the coffee room, I’ve had a lot of interesting conversation there. Oh, and never drop tables in the database! DevOps doesn’t like that.

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