Spokeo Reunions: Old Friends Reconnect after 20 Years


Recently, our team learned about the happy reunion story between two friends after twenty years apart. The story starts with a shared love for kittens…

Peggy and Bridget met in 1971. They both were living in Washington, each with a litter of newborn kittens. Sadly, the mother of Bridget’s litter of kittens was unexpectedly and tragically killed. Bridget was introduced to Peggy through a mutual friend who wanted to help her poor orphaned kittens. Bridget asked Peggy if her cat would “adopt” her kittens. Peggy gladly said yes, and the two became friends. Eventually, Bridget moved away to Oregon and over the years the two friends lost touch.

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Twenty years went by and Peggy retired in 2015. With more time on her hands, she found herself thinking about Bridget and wondering how she was doing. Peggy decided she’d try to search for Bridget on Spokeo.

Well, it turns out that Spokeo had an address listed for Bridget. Peggy noted the listed address. On a trip visiting her mother in Oregon, Peggy decided to stop by the address she found for Bridget. She knocked on the door and to her surprise, Bridget answered! They exchanged contact information and have been in contact a few times since. Peggy is so happy that she was able to successfully find results on Spokeo that allowed her to reconnect with her old friend!

Old friends are a treasure to have in life. We are thrilled that Spokeo was able to help Peggy and Bridget rekindle their friendship after all of these years!

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