Why Spokeo Provides a Great Environment for Millennials

Companies today have to work harder than ever to meet the needs of their employees, especially those looking to attract the talents of the younger generation of well-educated, mission-driven and leadership-oriented professionals – Millennials. 

Spokeo is an excellent work environment for professionals in this age group. With 96 millennials currently on staff, we’ve created a culture and workspace that foster innovation and productivity by prioritizing a casual environment, investment in career development and access to our leadership team. 

Laid-Back Atmosphere

It’s a well-known fact that we Millennials tend to highly value freedom of time and self-expression. Visix reports that 59 percent of Millennials believe work-hour flexibility will improve their productivity while 49 percent report it will improve their happiness.

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Here at Spokeo, flexibility is the name of our game. The casual nature of our workplace means we wear what we’re most comfortable in. Jeans, sweats and athleisure wear are core components of our work uniform.

Flexibility means that we start and finish our day based on when we are most productive, even if that means starting the workday at 10:00 am.  We get to enjoy catered lunches and there’s always a wide variety of beer in the fridge. The food and work-hour flexibility mean team members often stick around well into the dinner hour, taking advantage of the snacks in the kitchen or impromptu Mario Kart tournaments.

The sense of camaraderie that’s developed as a result of the laid-back atmosphere and constant interaction with coworkers consistently transforms working relationships into out-of-office friendships.

When you need a break, grab a beer and play a few games of ping pong. If you need to work past 9:00 PM because you’re on a roll, go for it. Our managers encourage us to create a schedule that works best for us.

Career Development Opportunities 

According to the 2018 Millennials At Work Report from Udemy, 42 percent of millennials consider learning and development the most important perk when selecting a job.

Spokeo operates in a highly cross-functional way. No role is limited to just one job or just one team. Engineers can write blog articles, analysts can contribute posts to our company’s Instagram account and design team members can learn to copywrite. 

There are always opportunities to learn new skills and contribute to different teams. Serving our users is the number one priority here at Spokeo and we are open to what that looks like. 

In addition to role-flexibility, Spokeo also has tuition reimbursement, quarterly training and regularly sends team members to conferences all over the country. You can feel free to follow your passion and jump into the projects that interest you most. 

The Open Floor Plan 

Spokeo doesn’t operate like a traditional corporate hierarchy. Because of the open floor plan, not even the C-suite executives have offices. Anyone is welcome to stop and chat with the CEO at any time. They sit amongst their teams in the open just like everyone else.

The openness also allows for regular changes of scenery – nobody is chained to their desk. You can work in the lounge, on a couch or wherever you feel most comfortable. We don’t physically separate teammates with cubicles or offices, making it easy to meet people from different teams or swing by a friend’s desk to say hi. 

Spokeo is a perfect fit for our Millennial needs. How do we know? 53% of our team members are millennials and there’s no question that they love the atmosphere. Don’t take our word for it – feel free to reach out to any of our team members that you find on LinkedIn to ask them about the work environment. 

Interested in joining us? We’re actively searching for new team members. You can view our job openings here.

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