Call for Nominations Open For Volunteers Who Help Individuals Search for Their Families

 PASADENA, Calif. (February 3, 2014) – Spokeo, the leading people search service, today announced a call for nominations for the 2014 Spokeo Search Angel Awards. Now in its second year, the program brings together leaders in the adoption, foster care and search communities to recognize, honor and support volunteers who donate their time to help adult adoptees and others, search for and reunite with their birth families.

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“As volunteers, Search Angels provide countless hours of research and emotional support to help families reunite, often navigating through a challenging landscape of sealed records and little known information,” said Spokeo’s general counsel, Angela Saverice-Rohan. “Together with leaders in the adoption and search industry, we’re proud to continue honoring these volunteers and hope to help them reunite even more families this year.”

Nominations for individuals who have been touched by the work of Search Angels are now being accepted at www.SpokeoAngels.com through Monday, February 17. Only those who donate their searching services without receiving compensation are eligible. Winners will receive a cash grant to help offset the personal costs they incur while searching, a one-year membership for Spokeo, and the opportunity for families who are matched by the angels, to elect to participate in a reunion sponsorship covering their travel costs.

An advisory committee comprised of various leaders representing the adoption and foster care communities will provide program guidance, review nominations and select the volunteers to be honored with the Spokeo Search Angel Award. Committee members include:

Advisory committee bios can be found at: https://spokeoangels.com/partners/#teambios

The winners of the 2014 Spokeo Search Angel Awards will be announced in April at the American Adoption Congress International Conference in San Francisco.

For more information or to get to know the winners of the 2013 Search Angel Awards, please visit www.SpokeoAngels.com or www.Spokeo.com/blog.

 About Spokeo

Spokeo is a leading people search service using proprietary technology to organize public information into comprehensive yet easy-to-understand online profiles. Based in Pasadena, Spokeo makes it easier than ever to help reunite friends and family, browse celebrities, and discover information about your online footprint, by simply searching a name, address, email, phone or username. For more information about Spokeo, visit blogtest.spokeo.com or follow @spokeo on Twitter.


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