Home Advice & How-ToFamily Why Maintaining Family Relationships is More Important Than Ever
Home Advice & How-ToFamily Why Maintaining Family Relationships is More Important Than Ever

Why Maintaining Family Relationships is More Important Than Ever

by Spokeo

Family Connections

In theory, connecting with family is easier today than it’s ever been before. We’ve got cell phones, Facebook, email…at times it almost feels impossible to avoid family! But in a world where our increasing interconnectivity may actually be leaving us all a little lacking for deep, meaningful relationships, where do our families fit in?

In 2015, why is maintaining familial relationships more important than it’s ever been?

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People Are Moving Farther Away

Three out of  four college graduates, move at least once after school and about 60% of the entire U.S. population lives somewhere other than the town they grew up. What does this mean? It means that many of us are many miles or states away from our families, making it impossible to catch up over a cup of tea or a Sunday night dinner. Keeping in touch with long-distance relatives today takes work, but it’s worth it.


Knowing Your Family History May Keep You Healthy

It’s been known for decades that certain conditions like asthma, heart disease, and diabetes can run in families, but scientists have made tons of breakthroughs just in the last decade regarding how early intervention can stunt the progression of these kinds of serious diseases. Maintaining a good relationship with your family means you can find out more about health – particularly from extended family members like grandparents and aunts and uncles – which may help keep you and your children healthier longer. It could even save your life.


Blended Families Mean Changing Family Dynamics

Today’s family isn’t ‘traditional’ and it doesn’t necessarily consist of a mom, dad, and 2.3 kids. Did you know that over one-third of all U.S. weddings form stepfamilies, and that 40% of all married families with kids are stepfamilies too? These blended families mean more and more children and parents are living apart which can cause strain on extended familial relationships as time becomes a premium. If you’re part of a stepfamily, or if your child is, consider the extra steps you need to take to ensure everyone maintains a healthy, strong relationship with every member of their family, even if it is bigger than you ever imagined!


Reconnecting Isn’t So Far-Fetched

Just a few decades ago it was difficult to say the least to track down a birth parent, an estranged family member, or a long-lost sibling. Today, though, technology’s made it simpler than ever to find someone you’ve been thinking about whether it’s Grandpa or your half-brother using little more than their name. In fact, services like Spokeo specialize in bringing people together, particularly families, and love to hear stories of reconnection and reconciliation. Now that there’s no excuse to wonder where a relative’s been all this time, who are you looking for?


Family has always been important but in years past it’s been an easier proposition to keep in touch. What was once a simple walk across the street has become a long-distance phone call, a video chat, or a plane ride but that doesn’t mean all the extra effort’s for naught. Maintaining a relationship with your family can enrich your life in many ways – not the least of which is emotionally.
Do you go to great lengths to keep in touch with family? Tell us how!