Home StoriesBusinesses 3 Ways You Can Use Spokeo for Your Business
Home StoriesBusinesses 3 Ways You Can Use Spokeo for Your Business

3 Ways You Can Use Spokeo for Your Business

by Spokeo

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes, each one with different methods of funding and customer acquisition. We are continuously impressed by our customers’ creativity in finding solutions to fit their needs. We would like to highlight a few ways our customers use Spokeo

Loss Prevention

William ran a gas station, In And Out BP Travel Plaza. It’s one of the few gas stations that would allow you to fill your tank without pre-paying. Unfortunately, this led to many people driving off, leaving William without the money and the gasoline.

William was resourceful. He would use his security camera footage to get the business names on trucks and vans to track down the business owners. In one instance, a woman from an Antique shop filled her truck’s fuel tank up and promptly drove away. He found the owner’s name on another website and then used Spokeo to search her name and call her. William said, “It was $180 worth of fuel and once I called her up she said she was so embarrassed. Not only did I get the $180 back, she sent an extra $20 for my ‘troubles’. You have saved my company thousands of dollars.”

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Membership Verification

If your business plan includes membership or subscription forms, there may be times when a handwritten application isn’t legible.

Angela is a Spokeo customer and says, “I work for a large veteran’s organization and our success depends on memberships, fund raising, and volunteers. When we receive correspondence or membership applications that we can’t decipher because of handwriting or missing information, we use Spokeo to verify the street name or the individual’s name to fill in the blanks.  We also use it if we need to contact a member when there’s no phone or email reflected on their membership record. It’s a huge help to us…I’m on Spokeo all the time!”

Updating Contact Information

Karen works for Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue, an organization dedicated to saving horses from abuse, neglect and slaughter. People move and may update their contact information with the post office, but not with the organizations they are tied to. When a phone number for a donor is disconnected or their mail is returned, Karen says “I use Spokeo for address verification for our donors.” Specifically, she uses Spokeo to search the donor’s name and find their new address or phone number to re-establish the relationship and funding.

There are multiple organizations that use Spokeo to find new donors, as well. By searching in a desired area, you can get specific addresses and resident information to send personalized flyers to their doorstep.

If you are interested in seeing what Spokeo can do for you head over to our Spokeo for Business page! And if you already use Spokeo for your business, we would love to hear about it!