Home Advice & How-ToFamily Guest Post: Tracking Down Family Members with Spokeo
Home Advice & How-ToFamily Guest Post: Tracking Down Family Members with Spokeo

Guest Post: Tracking Down Family Members with Spokeo

by Spokeo


Spokeo is excited to feature a new series of guest posts from bloggers each focusing on a different way to use Spokeo. Jennifer Medeiros is a mom blogger who covers tech, travel, parenting and recipes. You can follow her at https://www.makobiscribe.com 

How long has it been since your family got together? I’m not talking about your immediate family, either. How long has it been since your whole family got together? Aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins and so on. Chances are, it’s been too long.

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I come from a huge family. Being the oldest of 16 cousins on my dad’s side, trying to stay in touch with everyone gets a bit tricky. My aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins have spread out mainly over the Northeast. Being that I live in Florida, I definitely don’t see them as much as I would like. Sadly, the most recent get together’s have been for reasons such as funerals. One of the very last times I was in New Jersey, we decided enough with the sad family gatherings. It was time to plan something fun for the whole family to enjoy!

While most of my family is in the Northeast, we still have some stragglers that have branched out across the United States. My family has settled in Alaska, Georgia, California- even in the US Virgin Islands! Putting together a list of relatives is the easy part. Grandma and Grandpa kept an extensive family tree on the wall in their entry way. The hard part is actually tracking all of my relatives down!

That’s where Spokeo comes in to good use. By typing the name of my second cousin into the search bar and narrowing the search terms down by state, I was able to find her mailing address, email address and phone number. I am even able to see if she was recently married! Spokeo is like the white pages of social networking. I can even use it on my phone and view social media networks that my family members might be a part of! Spokeo is going to be a real time saver once I buckle down and really get this reunion planning into gear!

* Disclaimer: To make Spokeo’s legal folks happy, I must disclose that Spokeo has provided me with compensation for creating this post.