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Home StoriesBusinesses How Spokeo Helped Reunite These Former In-Laws

How Spokeo Helped Reunite These Former In-Laws

by Spokeo


We heard from Spokeo customer, Elizabeth, about a reunion that was only possible with the help of Spokeo.

Elizabeth grew up in Asheville, NC and has since moved to Asheboro, NC only three hours away. She was quite close with her former mother-in-law, but it had been five years since they had seen each other.

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While visiting Asheville, Elizabeth tried to reach out to her former mother-in-law, but was unable to find her. She decided to look her up online. After two unsuccessful attempts searching on different sites, Elizabeth turned to Spokeo for help…

Elizabeth discovered that her ex-mother-in-law had moved out of her long-time residence into her son’s home, who was Elizabeth’s first husband. With the help of Spokeo, they were finally able to reconnect.

“That was all I wanted – to find my ex-mother in law. I found her and I talked to her, and she’s great. I’m going to try and visit her.”

Now that they are back in contact, Elizabeth plans to spend time with her during her next visit to Asheville in September 2016.

We love hearing these stories from Spokeo customers and strive to help people like Elizabeth on their search to reconnect with loved ones.