Home StoriesConnectors Honoring Our Soldiers
Home StoriesConnectors Honoring Our Soldiers

Honoring Our Soldiers

by Ashley Viloria

November is the time of the year where most people reflect on what they’re grateful for. On Veteran’s Day (November 11th), it goes without saying that most people reflect on and show their appreciation for the veterans of our country. Their bravery and dedication to keeping us safe and free is admirable.

Bern served in the Vietnam War in 1968 in Company E, Second Battalion, 5th Cavalry, First Air Cavalry Division. Every few years, he and his fellow comrades meet in places around the country to commemorate their time together. One vital part of their reunions is honoring one of their fallen soldiers – a man named Jesus. He was the only person in their company who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service. Unfortunately, he passed away after coming home. It was a great loss for the community, as many of them considered him their guardian angel. In fact, most of them attribute their survival to him, as he saved many of them during their time at war.

Bern and a fellow soldier named Gary were friends during their time of service, but they lost touch after coming home and hadn’t spoken in over 40 years. Bern was unsure if he’d be able to find Gary, but he didn’t let doubt get in his way. He turned to our website, typed Gary’s name into the search engine, and found a phone number. He dialled that number into his phone, and after a few rings, Gary picked up on the other end of the line! They were so surprised and happy to be back in touch with each other, and it was a very heartwarming reunion through the phone. However, the reunion didn’t stop there – they actually planned for Bern to travel a few states over so that they could reunite in person!

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Even after many decades, the bond between Bern and his army brothers has not faded. They all share an unbreakable bond and will continue to be present in each other’s lives – whether it’s to check up on one another, honor their fallen brother, or reflect back on their time serving. 

To Bern, his fellow comrades, and all veterans: Thank you for your service! We will always be grateful for your bravery and everything you’ve done for our country.

Are you looking for someone that you served with in the past? Try searching for them on Spokeo by entering their name into our search engine!