Home Advice & How-ToRelationships Is Your Partner Online Dating?
Home Advice & How-ToRelationships Is Your Partner Online Dating?

Is Your Partner Online Dating?

by Spokeo

Getting started with online dating is easier than ever these days. You can create an account, upload a couple photos and begin searching for connections in a matter of minutes.

The easy access to a large pool of singles that online dating apps and websites provide is great because it allows relationship-seekers to begin online dating with minimal effort. But at the same time, it can prove tempting for people in committed relationships.

According to HighSpeedInternet, more than a quarter of people they surveyed admitted to joining an online dating app or website while already in a romantic relationship. The surprising part is that many don’t even count it as cheating. One-third of people polled said that using a dating app while in a monogamous relationship didn’t constitute cheating.

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Joining an online dating site is usually the first step down a slippery slope of deception, lying, and ultimately physical and emotional cheating. If you’re concerned that your significant other may be heading down this path, there are steps you can take to find out if someone is on a dating site.

Here’s what you need to know.

Step 1: Find an Email Address

In many ways, this is the most difficult step, but also the most important. Without an email address to rely on, it’s going to be difficult to determine whether or not they have a profile on a dating website. This is because nearly every single website uses an email address for account creation and  log-in.

Simply searching their name won’t always locate a dating profile. Most websites don’t even require users to enter their full name when signing up, so they won’t have access to it. Most people who have been with their significant other for a while know the email address they generally use to sign up for accounts online.

If you’re in a newer relationship and don’t know which email address your significant other would use to create a dating account, use a People Search. Conducting a lookup of your partner by first and last name could reveal their current email and a list of email addresses they’ve used in the past.

If this doesn’t work, try telling them that you need their email address to forward something to them. It could be an interesting article or service via email. You could also think about what they like to do or where they like to shop and offer to send them a coupon code.

Another option is to see what email address to use the login to any other services. Whether it be a Netflix, Spotify, iTunes or another service that they use daily, chances are good that they’ve used that email to signup for a dating website.

Step 2: Search to Find Out if Someone Has a Dating Profile

Now that you know which email they may be using, it’s time to get down to business.

Spokeo makes searching to find someone on dating sites by email easy. All you have to do to begin your dating profile search is enter that email address. After you click Search, Spokeo’s proprietary technology checks over 120 popular social networks and dating websites to find accounts that were created using that specific email address.

What makes Spokeo’s email lookup so valuable is that it doesn’t just find results from dating sites. It also allows people to find social media accounts on popular sites as well. This is important because some cheaters tend to use alternate social media accounts created under fake names to connect with others on the side.

What Information Can You Get When Finding Dating Profiles by Email?

Results for an email address search may include more than just dating website activity. By searching the most popular social networks in the world, a lot of other information may be found.

Online aliases, past and current phone numbers, past street addresses and old social media profiles could potentially be included in your search results. Not everyone is going to use the same email for everything they do online, but it’s a great starting point to begin to make sure your partner has been truthful about their online activity.

What if I find their dating profile?

The dating profile search is a great way to get initial information, but please be sure to consider all possible scenarios before confronting a loved one with allegations of infidelity.

A flood of emotions may go through your head if you find your partner’s online dating profiles. While you may have had your suspicions, it becomes a different situation entirely when those suspicions are confirmed with evidence.

First, try to take a step back from the situation. Do your best to think rationally instead of going into confrontation mode right away.

Finding a profile is not a guarantee that they are actively using the dating app or website. Many people who had been on the dating online scene prior getting into a relationship will temporarily disable their profile rather than delete it outright. They may even delete the app without realizing that they need to delete the account as well.

The last thing you want to do is confront your partner with allegations of infidelity only to realize that they haven’t accessed the dating account since they met you. If you find something you’re concerned about, give them a chance to explain.

The Fastest Way to Find Out if Someone Has a Dating Profile

This one is as straightforward as it gets. Sometimes just asking the question can provide the answer. Sit them down, tell them the reasons for your suspicion and just ask if they have a dating profile or not.

What they say in reply and (maybe more importantly) how they react physically could give you some valuable insight into what’s going through their mind. If you catch them off guard, you may be able to see the guilt flash across their face before they try to respond. 

There are other ways to bring it up less directly, depending on how the relationship is going otherwise. One tactic is to mention dating websites in a joking manner, and see how they react. Asking is the fastest way to get an answer, but in most cases they won’t be willing to admit to anything.

If you have no luck asking directly, it’s time to do a bit of research behind the scenes. All it takes to begin searching for their online dating profiles is your significant other’s email address.

You have the opportunity to gather a lot of information, you just need to use the right tools.

What Else Can I Do?

There are other ways to get more information about your partner if you’re concerned about their past or what they’re up to online. Here are a few ways to learn more about them.

Run a background check

A background check can give more information on any criminal charges they may have in their past or shed light on any previous marriages. It can also turn up their email addresses, common usernames and other tidbits of information that might be useful for dating websites search. The more usernames you find, the better your chances of finding the dating profile they use.

Search their usernames

Most websites require users to create a unique username. Most people tend to reuse usernames more often than not. If you know their username on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or any website/app, search that username to see if anything pops up.

Borrow their phone

One of the most direct ways to see if your partner is still using a dating app or website (besides asking him/her of course) is to get access to their phone. Over 27 percent of people say they do the majority of their online dating on a mobile device, so the apps tend to be easy to find if they are actively using them. Go through the various folders they have on their homescreen to see if they’ve hidden dating apps amongst other, more innocent apps.

The Truth Will Set You Free

The Internet might make it easier for people to engage in infidelity, but it also makes it easier to get to the truth. If you find results that confirm your suspicions, it’s important to remember this: it’s not your fault.

They’ve failed you, and not the other way around. The relationship may be over and while it may feel like it’s the end of the world, it doesn’t mean that you will never be happy with someone again. Life is short – you deserve only the best, and taking control and empowering yourself with the truth is the first step to finding the type of relationship you deserve.

Do your best to move on and get back to living your best life.