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Home Archives Reconnecting With My Daughter

Reconnecting With My Daughter

by Ashley Viloria

Losing touch with family can be hard, but sometimes finding them can be harder. This was the case with one of our users, Michael, who had been searching for his long-lost daughter for quite some time.

When Michael’s daughter, Erin, was young, he and her mother had parted ways, and Erin moved away with her mother. Michael tried his best to stay in touch with them, but as time went on, they eventually lost touch. About 12 years ago, Michael received the unfortunate news that Erin’s mother had passed away from heart failure. Wanting to make sure that Erin was okay, he reached out to her. They stayed in contact for a while, but eventually grew apart and lost touch again.

Michael had recently been thinking about Erin and wanted to find her to reconnect with her again. He tried a few different methods – Googling her, searching for her on several social media platforms, reaching out to people who knew her mother. He even tried to get information from city clerks – but after exhausting all leads, he had no such luck in finding her.

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Michael eventually stumbled across Spokeo and decided to perform a search for her. He typed in her name, but initially, he wasn’t able to find any information on her. He was about to give up, but something in him told him to keep trying. After performing a few more searches, he found her profile through a relative’s profile! The profile he found had listed her under his last name, as opposed to the last name he had been searching her under, and also had the same age that Erin would have currently been, so he was almost sure that it was her. There was an address and phone number provided, so he reached out to see if it was truly her. This lead happened to be a successful one, and after many years, he was finally reconnected with his daughter again!

“I finally found her! I thank you guys so much, you guys saved my life.”

Keeping in touch with someone isn’t always easy, especially if distance is a factor. Should you find yourself disconnected from a family member, or even a friend, and are almost at a dead-end in your search, try performing a name search for them on Spokeo. You can narrow down your search by browsing related family members, or by filtering through some of our other advanced search options.